Welcome to Calvert’s Homeschool Topics Page!

Read on for homeschooling tips, home education news, stories about our wonderful Calvert Families, and updates from Calvert.

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The Ringling Brothers Blue Unit Visits Calvert!

Did you know that the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus have been using Calvert for over 35 years?  In fact Kim Siriporn, a Calvert employee for over 37 years, recalls the early visits when one of their very famous performers, Gunther Gebel-Williams, would visit Calvert along with his children.  Calvert’s Ringling Brothers Circus students […]

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The Many Hats of a Homeschool Mom

Chauffeur  Counselor Chef Teacher Housekeeper Nurse Dietician Accountant Secretary Principal Events Planner We know that you do so many things to keep your homeschool running smoothly.  You wake up each day and run a full household and school (often for more than one child) while preparing meals, grocery shopping,cleaning, lesson planning, reading with your children, […]

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Exasperation is NOT the Best Instructor

Have you ever been trying to reach a goal with a child and finally, in exasperation, set a deadline that came back to bite you?  One of our favorite family stories centered around the art of teaching writing and setting a deadline for task completion. Any parent worth their salt has said to their kid […]

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Strong Bodies Support Learning: Research Shows That Exercising the Body Improves Academic Performance

As if choosing and implementing an academic curriculum for your children was not enough, research indicates that you should be organizing regular physical activity for them as well.  The results of a study by Charles Hillman, Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Neuroscience at the University of Illinois were published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise […]

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Alternatives to MS Office

We know that there are times that you’re working on your Calvert Education schoolwork with your student and you’re guided to use Powerpoint, Excel or another Office product.  We’re aware that not every family has access to the Microsoft Office suite of tools.  We want to provide you with a list of free (or low […]

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Creative Homeschool Teaching Strategies

As a Learning Guide, you may have heard your child question the importance of diagramming or insist that a particular story is so boring, he can’t read it. Whether the “problem” subject is grammar, math, history, or science, incorporating creative teaching techniques will not only motivate your child to want to learn more but he […]

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The Power of Memorization

Occasionally I hear from a parent who homeschools but objects to the Calvert practice of  memorization.  Looking back 16 years, the one thing I wish I had embraced more with my kids is the act of learning to memorize. Memory is a funny thing – the younger you are, the more capacity you seem have […]

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An Introduction to Multi-Sensory Learning

What is multi-sensory instruction? Multi-sensory instruction refers to the way information is delivered to the student. The three primary modes of instruction are visual, auditory, and sensory-motor. Visual instruction includes activities like reading a text or looking at a picture. Auditory instruction might involve listening to a lecture or a book on tape. A third […]

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Motivating a Reluctant Reader

Motivating a student who does not care for reading or who does not enjoy reading can be a tremendous source of tension in a homeschooling family.  As parents and teachers, we find ourselves frustrated because we want to help our child, but we may not know where to start.  The tips below were featured on […]

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Reflecting, Assessing, and Modifying Academic Goals

Whether you are a seasoned home school pro or new to the home school community, you likely keep some academic goals in mind for your students. Some may address hurdling an academic obstacle while others look toward achieving an academic milestone. Those seasoned families know to tweak along the way to suit their student(s) and […]

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